
    The 8 Best Biceps Stretches to Support Long-Term Arm Thickness and Strength – Fitnessnacks

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    Picture this — you crush your biceps curls and pull-ups at the gym, and the next day you feel that sweet pain of not being able to straighten your arms. Your biceps muscles flex and supinate your forearms. They assist in flexion, abduction, and adduction of your shoulder joint. When you work those movements, your biceps contract. 

    Your biceps aren’t just a huge part of huge arms. They make so many movements possible, which translates into hefting a lot of weight, over and over again. But with all that work, you’ll need to recover. You’re going to need some solid stretches for sore biceps.

    An athlete wearing a sports bra performs a biceps stretch on a wall.Credit: Zephyr_p / Shutterstock

    Warming up, cooling down, and doing mobility work can help boost your range of motion, increase blood flow, and ease your recovery. Studies now show that stretching may even help to induce hypertrophy. So how do you stretch your biceps, exactly? Let’s dive into the best stretches for your biceps, static and dynamic, so you can get those gains. 

    Best Biceps Stretches

    Editor’s Note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. When starting a new training regimen and/or diet, it is always a good idea to consult a trusted medical professional. We are not a medical resource. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. They are not substitutes for consulting a qualified medical professional.

    Seated Biceps Stretch

    The seated biceps stretch functions as both a static and dynamic stretch, great for before or after your workout. It’s done on the floor in a position that will also stretch your chest and the fronts of your shoulders.

    Dynamic stretches are great for warming up, while static stretches are better for cooling down. You can alternate between the positions as a biceps warm-up, and hold the extended position for a cool-down for biceps.

    How to Do the Seated Biceps Stretch

    1. Sit on the floor with your arms behind you, palms flat on the floor, and fingers facing away from you. Put your feet on the floor with your knees pointing to the ceiling.
    2. Retract your head, depress your shoulders, close your ribcage, and draw your navel towards your spine to engage your abs. Maintain a neutral spine and push the floor away so you’re not sinking into your joints. 
    3. Shift your glutes towards your heels without moving your hands or your feet, so your arms are extended. Feel the stretch in your biceps, and hold the position. 
    4. Move your glutes back to starting position, rest, and repeat. 

    Coach’s Tip: Keep your abs engaged and shoulders depressed. As you hold the static stretch, try not to sink into your wrists, elbows, and shoulders. 

    Sets and Reps: For a warm-up, make it dynamic by alternating between the two positions, holding 10 seconds in each. Try two sets of 40 seconds.

    As a cool-down, try two to three sets of holding for 30 seconds in the stretched position.

    Benefits of the Seated Biceps Stretch

    • The seated biceps stretch can be held in different positions for a dynamic stretch or static stretch.
    • You will engage your lats and abs and build upper body strength at the same time.
    • If you’re hanging out at home, you can get in this position on the floor for some extra mobility work.

    Standing Biceps Stretch

    The standing biceps stretch is a static stretch with your fingers interlaced behind you. Your biceps assist in flexion of your shoulders, or lifting up your arms. Pulling your arms back behind you into this stretch puts your shoulders into extension. This makes it a great sore biceps stretch.

    This stretch looks simple but can feel quite intense, and you’ll want to be careful not to force your shoulders into internal rotation. You may want to do a biceps warm-up first, so you’re not going in cold, or try it after a workout, when your muscles and joints are nice and warm.

    How to Do the Standing Biceps Stretch

    1. Stand upright with your feet about hip-width apart. Pull your head back and relax your shoulders. 
    2. Interlace your fingers behind your back at the base of your spine. Flip your palms to face the floor to intensify the stretch.
    3. Lift your arms away from your back slowly until you feel the stretch in your biceps, chest, and shoulders.
    4. Hold the position for 30 seconds and return your hands to the base of your spine.

    Coach’s Tip: If you feel restriction in your shoulders when trying to flip your palms to face the floor, you can leave them facing each other. If you do flip them, be mindful of your internal rotators of your shoulders. Keep your ribs down so you don’t overly extend through your thoracic spine.

    Sets and Reps: As a warm-up, make it dynamic by lifting and lowering your arms back to the base of your spine. Try two sets of ten.

    For a cool-down static stretch, hold the extended position for 30 seconds, and return to starting position. Repeat for three sets of 30 second holds.

    Benefits of the Standing Biceps Stretch

    • This stretch can be adjusted for different mobility levels by flipping or not flipping your palms and choosing how far to extend your shoulders.
    • A standing stretch calls for you to engage your abs and glutes to maintain tension.
    • In some yoga poses, you can add this arm position to get an extra biceps stretch, if safe and applicable. During a standing forward fold, try this for a deeper biceps stretch while releasing your hamstrings.

    Biceps Wall Stretch

    The biceps wall stretch helps to elongate your muscles and tendons while rotating through your torso, with the assistance of the wall. The added rotation makes it a great dynamic stretch and movement preparation for an upper body workout. With your arm out to the side, the shoulder is horizontally abducting — a joint action assisted by your biceps.

    Keeping your arm straight through this stretch is a good counter-movement to all the contracting you do while training your biceps. It’s a great biceps stretch for after your workout, or the next day.

    How to Do the Biceps Wall Stretch

    1. Stand one arm’s length distance from a wall. Place your right palm flat on the wall, in line with your shoulder.*
    2. Place your other hand on your hip. Press your feet into the floor and engage your glutes and abs. 
    3. Turn your body away from the wall slowly, as you feel the rotation and stretch through your biceps.
    4. Hold your stretched position for 30 seconds then slowly return to face forward. Turn around and repeat on your left side.

    *If you can’t get your palm flat with your arm straight, stand a little closer to the wall to allow a slight bend in your elbow and a less intense degree of wrist extension.

    Coach’s Tip: Keep your shoulder depressed so the muscles in your neck stay long, and not crunched up while you rotate.

    Sets and Reps: For a static stretch, perform two to three sets of 30-second holds, on each side.

    Benefits of the Biceps Wall Stretch

    • The wall biceps stretch is a unilateral stretch, so you can address your left and right arm separately. Notice any differences you feel between your two sides.
    • Controlled rotational movements are an important part of any program, so a stretch with rotation can help you to prepare.
    • Wall stretches can be done anywhere — you can try this out while taking a quick break from sitting at your desk at work to relieve your posture.

    Doorway Biceps Stretch

    The doorway biceps stretch differs from the wall biceps stretch. Instead of holding your arm out to the side, you step forward so your arm is behind you and your shoulder is in extension. Your biceps assist in flexing your shoulder, so doing the opposite movement can help keep you balanced.

    Using a doorway or side of a wall is a great way to assist your stretch and help you get a bit deeper. This is one of the best assisted biceps stretches when you’re stretching on your own, and you’ll feel it through your chest as well.

    How to Do the Doorway Biceps Stretch

    1. Stand in a doorway. Bend your right elbow at 90 degrees, and hold the doorway with your right hand.* 
    2. Keep your right foot on the ground and step your left foot forward. Lunge your left knee forward until you feel a stretch in your right biceps.
    3. Hold the position for 30 seconds in the stretch or lunge forward and back to slowly warm up the movement.
    4. Return to your starting position, turn around, and repeat with your left arm.

    *You can alternatively do this with a straight arm.

    Coach’s Tip: Try not to overextend your thoracic spine to feel this stretch — keep it neutral by closing your ribs and engaging your core.

    Sets and Reps: This can work as a warm-up for biceps by pulsing back and forth slowly for one to two sets of 30 seconds on each side.

    For a static stretch, keep your body forwards and hold the stretched position for 30 seconds, for two to three sets on each side.

    Benefits of the Doorway Biceps Stretch

    • You can unilaterally stretch each biceps and each side of your chest — unilateral stretching can help even out imbalances.
    • The position of your legs will allow you to get a nice calf stretch through your back leg as well.
    • This is a great counter stretch for sitting rounded at your desk. Try it as a break at work, or incorporate it when heading to the gym after work before doing your pulling exercises.

    Wringing the Towel Stretch

    Wringing the towel is one of a few biceps stretching exercises that are great for a warm-up. It will mobilize your neck, shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints. Your biceps will stretch as your shoulder externally and internally rotates, and your forearm supinates and pronates. Since your biceps function to supinate your forearm, performing supination helps to activate your muscles.

    Despite its name, you don’t need a towel to perform this exercise. You just need yourself, and enough space to stretch your arms out to either side. This dynamic movement also works well for a break from your desk at work.

    How to Do the Wringing the Towel Stretch

    1. Stand upright with your arms stretched out to either side, palms facing down. Maintain core tension and a neutral spine. 
    2. Turn your head to the left as you flip your left palm towards the ceiling, keeping your right palm facing the floor. Initiate the rotation from your left shoulder joint and feel your elbow and wrist follow.
    3. Turn your head to the right while flipping your left palm towards the floor, and turning your right palm towards the ceiling. Initiate the rotation from your right shoulder joint.
    4. Continue alternating sides, with your head turning to the same side as your palm facing upwards. Feel a stretch through your neck, chest, biceps, and forearms.

    Coach’s Tip: Keep your arms in line with each other and shoulders depressed, so you can feel the internal and external rotations of your shoulders.

    Sets and Reps: Perform one to two sets of 30 to 45 seconds of continuously switching sides for a warm-up. 

    For a sore biceps stretch after your workout, turn to one side and hold that position for 30 seconds. Rotate to the other side, and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat for two to three sets. 

    Benefits of the Wringing the Towel Stretch

    • Doing multiple movements simultaneously gets your blood flowing and prepares your body for a workout.
    • You may notice tension and tightness in your neck and shoulders. Wringing the towel can help to gently release it.
    • Your biceps assist in crossing your arms across your body, so holding them out to the sides will counter that movement and may feel like a release.

    Arm Swings

    Arm swings are a dynamic movement that can open up your chest, back, and shoulders while activating your biceps and getting your blood flowing. They can be done horizontally by swinging your arms out to the side and then across your chest. They can also be done vertically by swinging them up and down.

    Horizontal arm swings will put your biceps in a stretched position when your arms open out to the sides. Vertical arm swings will stretch them when one arm is down, or your shoulder is extending — in opposition to your biceps’ assistance in flexing your shoulder. 

    How to Do Arm Swings

    1. Stand upright with your arms out to your sides to begin horizontal arm swings. 
    2. Cross your arms across your torso with your right arm on top. Reach your arms back out, and cross your arms again with your left arm on top. Repeat this movement, alternating which arm is on top for 30 seconds.
    3. Stand upright with your right arm reaching up by your ear and your left arm down by your hip to begin vertical arm swings.
    4. Lift your left arm up by your ear, while simultaneously dropping your right arm down by your hip. Alternate lifting and lowering each arm in this manner for 30 seconds.

    Coach’s Tip: These arm swings can be performed quickly or slowly. When you are warmed up and have a good range of motion and joint control, you can move more quickly. If you have hypermobile joints, it may be safer to move slowly with control, while still allowing some freedom of movement. 

    Sets and Reps: Perform one to two sets of 30 seconds of horizontal arm swings, followed by 30 seconds of vertical arm swings. 

    Benefits of Arm Swings

    • These arm swings are great warm-ups for the bench press and the overhead press. 
    • Moving at a quicker pace can get your heart rate up.
    • Vertical arm swings can help your overhead mobility, as you use caution to not let the momentum of the swing throw your shoulder into a position you can’t control.

    Arm Circles

    Similar to arm swings, arm circles are a dynamic movement that not only activate your biceps but take your entire shoulders and arms through their current range of motion. As your shoulder flexes, extends, and rotates, your forearms supinate and pronate. Your biceps are involved in all of these joint actions, and going through these movements helps to prime them to train.

    You can do arm circles in different sizes and directions — small, medium, and large, or backward and forward. As you hold your arms out to the sides, you’ll also feel a stretch across your chest, as your shoulders and lats activate to hold them up.

    How to Do Arm Circles

    1. Stand upright with your arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor. Draw small circles through both arms at the same time in a forward direction for 30 seconds. Draw small circles through both arms at the same time in reverse for 30 seconds. Rest your arms by your sides.
    2. Return your arms to a T shape. Draw medium-sized circles going forward for 30 seconds. Feel your shoulders rotate. Reverse your circles for 30 more seconds. Rest.
    3. Draw the largest circles you can with your shoulders and bring your arms up, down, and back in a forward motion for 30 seconds. Reverse your circles, keeping them as large as possible for 30 seconds.
    4. Relax your arms by your sides.

    Coach’s Tip: If you are interested in further mobility training, look into functional range conditioning. You can do a slower version of this exercise as a glenohumeral controlled articulated rotation (CAR) to build strength and control in your range of motion.

    Sets and Reps: Perform 30 seconds of small circles going forward and 30 seconds going back. Continue with 30 seconds of medium circles going forward and 30 seconds going backward. Perform your largest arm circles for 30 seconds going forward and 30 seconds in reverse. You’ll be doing a total of one set for three minutes.

    Benefits of Arm Circles

    • Warming up with arm circles is a great way to prime your muscles to lift heavy.
    • Arm circles also work as a bodyweight exercise for cardio.
    • Doing slow and controlled arm circles — or CARs — can help you increase your range of motion over time.

    Forearm Rotations

    One of your biceps’ main functions is to supinate your forearms. Simply pronating and supinating your forearms while keeping the rest of your arms still can be a great warm-up or cool-down for your biceps. 

    Your biceps’ other main function is to flex your forearms — the movement that happens when you perform biceps curls. You can supinate and pronate your forearms as your arm stays straight. You can also add in elbow flexion and do some great dynamic stretches for your biceps by performing your forearm rotations with your arm bent.

    How to Do Forearm Rotations

    1. Stand upright with your arms by your sides, palms facing your body. Depress your shoulders and keep your upper arms still.
    2. Rotate your forearms towards your body to pronate them. Rotate them outwards to supinate. Feel the stretch in your biceps as your forearms rotate in each direction.
    3. Curl your forearms up as if you were doing a bodyweight bicep curl. Maintain elbow flexion as you supinate and pronate your forearms in this position.
    4. Return your arms down to your sides and combine everything together. Supinate your forearms and flex your elbows into your biceps curl. Pronate your forearms and extend your elbows, returning your arms to your sides. Stay pronated as you reverse curl, supinate your forearms and uncurl. This is also called an elbow CAR. 

    Coach’s Tip: To intensify the stretch with your arms by your sides, you can add light hand weights.

    Sets and Reps: Perform two sets of 10 forearm rotations with your arms by your sides, and two sets of 10 forearm rotations with your elbows in flexion. 

    For a static stretch, hold your arms by your sides and supinate your forearms for 30 seconds. Pronate and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat two times each.

    Benefits of Forearm Rotations

    • Rotating your forearms causes your biceps to perform their action and helps activate them before a workout.
    • Adding weights to your forearm rotations can work your grip strength at the same time.
    • Forearm rotations are dynamic movements that can also be held for static stretches.

    How to Stretch Your Biceps

    Performing stretches for your biceps can be beneficial before and after any type of workout. Since your biceps assist in shoulder and elbow joint actions, they’re involved in just about any upper body exercise, not just isolated biceps curls. Even on leg day, you’re likely holding one implement or another, so your biceps are working there, too. 

    When choosing how to stretch your biceps, consider if you’re warming up before a workout, cooling down afterward, or doing mobility work outside of training.

    Biceps Stretch Selection

    When warming up for your workout, it’s helpful to choose some dynamic movements for your biceps like wringing the towel, arm swings, arm circles, and forearm rotations. 

    For biceps stretches after a workout, static stretches are great. Consider using the seated biceps stretch, standing biceps stretch, wall biceps stretch, and doorway biceps stretch.

    If you’re doing a mobility session outside of your workout, it’s best to start with dynamic movements to warm the muscles, and then move into static holds to stretch them. Whichever exercises you choose, maintain tension and stability through the rest of your body and keep your core engaged.

    Biceps Sets and Reps

    Dynamic movements are great for warm-ups and at the beginning of mobility sessions to get your body used to moving and get your blood flowing. Static stretches at the end of your sessions can be held for longer, once your muscles are warm and able to relax without overstretching. 

    You can generally do more sets and reps or length of time for dynamic movements. Do less reps of static stretches with longer holds.

    • For Warming Up: Aim for 20 to 30 reps total of a dynamic exercise to warm up your biceps, either in one set of 20 or two sets of 10 to 15. 
    • For Cooling Down: You can statically stretch your biceps at the end of your sessions for one to two sets of 15 to 30 seconds per stretch, per side.
    • For Mobility Training: Start with one set of 20 to 30 reps for a dynamic stretch, and two sets of 30 seconds for static stretches.

    You can always modify a static stretch to make it less intense. If you feel extremely tight, it’s best not to force and hold a stretch for the prescribed length of time, but rather back off and hold a less deep version of it. 

    Biceps Stretching Tips

    You’ve got a good selection of stretches for biceps to choose from, but how often should you do them, and what else should you keep in mind? Let’s look at a few coach’s tips for getting the most out of your stretching. 

    Stretch Twice A Week

    The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends doing an active warm-up followed by static stretching two to three days per week. The ACSM recommends stretches to be held for 15 to 30 seconds, repeated two to four times. (1)

    If you’re doing a full-body stretch session, you can choose one to two static biceps stretches to plug into the ACSM’s recommended program after your warm-up. These guidelines are for general fitness and can work for anyone. 

    Dynamic Versus Static Stretching

    In the old days, static stretching before a workout or playing a sport was all the rage. Think: pulling your arm across your chest for a quick triceps stretch before a huge bench press. Now, studies show that a dynamic warm-up is best before a workout, while static stretches are best done separately or afterward. 

    You can choose a dynamic movement like the wringing the towel stretch before your workout, and hold a standing biceps stretch afterward to cool down.

    Dynamic stretching has been shown to potentially improve training performance and minimize movement impairments. Static stretching done separately may be beneficial for increasing your range of motion. (2) A review of several other studies also notes that static stretching done before a workout may not cause impairments if done for a short duration. (2) But if you’re looking for longer stretches, you may want to save them for afterward.

    Breathe Deeply

    Breathing deeply and properly is a key part of training, sports, and of course, being alive. When you’re stretching a tight muscle, your body is under stress, and taking a deep breath can help send signals from your brain to relax. Try continuously breathing in through your nose and out from your mouth.

    Think of your breath starting deeper in your stomach. Diaphragmatic breathing is deep and slow abdominal breaths that affect your brain, cardiovascular, nervous systems, and motor activity. (3) If you’re holding a biceps stretch for 30 seconds, focusing on these deep breaths can help release some tension.

    Stretch Your Triceps, Too

    When you contract your biceps, your triceps are the antagonist muscles, and they’re in a stretched position. Conversely, when you stretch your biceps, your triceps are contracting. Doing stretches for biceps and triceps can help improve the muscular health of your whole upper arm.

    Many dynamic biceps stretches will also work your triceps, so you can get both done at the same time in your warm-up. Your triceps are involved with pushing movements, so it may be helpful to do some static triceps stretches along with your static biceps stretches after your workout.

    Benefits of Stretching Your Biceps

    You may have been told that it’s important to stretch to avoid injury or other reasons. Let’s dive into some scientific reasons to stretch before, after, and outside of your next workout.

    May Help Induce Hypertrophy

    In the last few years, there have been studies on animals to investigate whether stretching may help induce hypertrophy. Long-term stretching has shown increases in muscle mass and maximal strength in animals. (4) Studies on humans are still ongoing.

    A 2020 review of studies on humans tried a few different forms of stretching to investigate. It found that subjects who did low-intensity, passive stretching to their own perceived range of motion had no impact on hypertrophy. Some limited evidence showed that subjects who incorporated stretching with an external load during their rest periods had enhanced muscle growth. (5)

    An athlete with curly hair performs a seated biceps curl.Credit: YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV / Shutterstock

    The review goes on to state that stretching with high tension — either between muscle contractions or with an apparatus or load — may help induce hypertrophy. (5) Another study compares muscle damage caused by stretching to the effects of loaded strength training, both of which can cause an increase in hypertrophy and maximal strength. (4)

    In both of these cases, an external load is present to up the intensity of the stretch. The hypothesis is that stretching to build muscle can work similarly as lifting weights to build muscle — using a load to cause damage, growth, and skeletal muscle adaptations. (6) But, studies are still ongoing, and more research is needed on humans.

    May Increase Range Of Motion

    Studies show that static stretching may help increase your joint range of motion (ROM). Increased ROM occurs acutely — immediately post-stretching and as a training effect — after stretching consistently over a period of time. (2) 

    However, some studies indicate that increased ROM may be caused by an increased tolerance to the stretch, not increased muscle length. (2) Still, this review of studies indicates that static stretching for 15 to 30 seconds for two to four sets is effective at increasing ROM. (2)

    A 2023 study mentions that resistance training itself can be as effective as stretching to increase ROM. (7) It concludes that strength training with external loads is enough to increase ROM and that stretching before or after isn’t necessary to increase flexibility. (7) 

    Focusing on the stretch — or eccentric — part of an exercise may help increase your ROM and build muscle at the same time. Think of the eccentric, lengthening part of a biceps curl, or your chest stretching at the bottom of a bench press. Both are equally as important as the contraction, and may aid in hypertrophy.

    May Improve Blood Flow

    Stretching may help improve blood flow. Some evidence suggests that stretching can cause a circulatory event that improves blood flow, increases oxygen availability, and boosts oxygen utilization. (8) This study suggests that if stretching is done chronically, these effects can add up over time and improve vasodilation. 

    One hypothesis for this is that stretching may create more nitric oxide bioavailability, which is known to improve vessel function. (8) Boosting your nitric oxide, combined with a stretching routine, may improve vascular function over time. (8)

    A shirtless athlete stretches their biceps.Credit: Srdjan Randjelovic / Shutterstock

    This is a benefit to doing some dynamic stretches before a workout — it signals your body to get your blood flowing and oxygen on its way to your muscles. It’s also why stretching sore muscles feels good. Although, recently evidence has been mixed on whether or not stretching actually reduces muscle soreness, despite the popular claim that it does. (9)(10)

    Anatomy of the Biceps

    Your biceps brachii is composed of two heads: the long head of the biceps and the short head of the biceps. (11) The main functions of your biceps are to supinate and flex your forearm, and the biceps also assist in shoulder and elbow flexion. Stretches that involve these joint actions or their opposites can be beneficial.

    Long Head of the Biceps

    The long head of the biceps is on the lateral side of the arm. The biceps long head is thought to play a key role in shoulder stability when the elbow is flexed, but it is controversial if this is a passive or active role. (11) 

    Short Head of the Biceps

    The short head of your biceps is on the medial side. It may help to stabilize your scapulae when your elbow is extended, but this is controversial as well. (11) The controversy on the two heads of the biceps comes from disagreements on their distal insertion points, and that it differs greatly on everyone. (11)


    Your biceps work with your glenohumeral, elbow, and radio-ulnar joints. The brachialis muscle is not part of your biceps, but it is one of your largest elbow flexors and works together with your biceps for elbow flexion. (12) 

    More Training Content

    When you’re ready to get your blood flowing before your next upper body session, try some dynamic movements. If you’ve got flexibility goals, grab your doorway and hold some static stretches while you breathe. When you’re building muscle at the gym, focusing on the stretch you feel during your loaded exercises may help.

    Now that you know how to warm up your biceps and cool them down, check out some of BarBend’s other training articles to make sure you’re choosing the best exercises you can to build them up.


    1. Page P. Current concepts in muscle stretching for exercise and rehabilitation. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2012 Feb;7(1):109-19. 
    2. Behm DG, Chaouachi A. A review of the acute effects of static and dynamic stretching on performance. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 Nov;111(11):2633-51. 
    3. Hamasaki H. Effects of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Health: A Narrative Review. Medicines (Basel). 2020 Oct 15;7(10):65. 
    4. Warneke K, Brinkmann A, Hillebrecht M, Schiemann S. Influence of Long-Lasting Static Stretching on Maximal Strength, Muscle Thickness and Flexibility. Front Physiol. 2022 May 25;13:878955. 
    5. Nunes JP, Schoenfeld BJ, Nakamura M, Ribeiro AS, Cunha PM, Cyrino ES. Does stretch training induce muscle hypertrophy in humans? A review of the literature. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2020 May;40(3):148-156. 
    6. Wang Y, Ikeda S, Ikoma K. Efficacy of passive repetitive stretching of skeletal muscle on myofiber hypertrophy and genetic suppression on MAFbx, MuRF1, and myostatin. J Muscle Res Cell Motil. 2021 Dec;42(3-4):443-451. 
    7. Alizadeh S, Daneshjoo A, Zahiri A, Anvar SH, Goudini R, Hicks JP, Konrad A, Behm DG. Resistance Training Induces Improvements in Range of Motion: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports Med. 2023 Mar;53(3):707-722.
    8. Kruse NT, Scheuermann BW. Cardiovascular Responses to Skeletal Muscle Stretching: “Stretching” the Truth or a New Exercise Paradigm for Cardiovascular Medicine? Sports Med. 2017 Dec;47(12):2507-2520. 
    9. Afonso J, Clemente FM, Nakamura FY, Morouço P, Sarmento H, Inman RA, Ramirez-Campillo R. The Effectiveness of Post-exercise Stretching in Short-Term and Delayed Recovery of Strength, Range of Motion and Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Front Physiol. 2021 May 5;12:677581. 
    10. Herbert RD, de Noronha M, Kamper SJ. Stretching to prevent or reduce muscle soreness after exercise. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Jul 6;(7):CD004577. 
    11. Tiwana MS, Charlick M, Varacallo M. Anatomy, Shoulder and Upper Limb, Biceps Muscle. [Updated 2022 Aug 30]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. 
    12. Plantz MA, Bordoni B. Anatomy, Shoulder and Upper Limb, Brachialis Muscle. [Updated 2023 Feb 21]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-.

    Featured Image: Zephyr_p / Shutterstock


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